Our Responsibility, Industry Safety

We believe that business success goes hand-in-hand with corporate, civil, social and environmental responsibility. Since founded, Gadot Group constantly continues to progress, learn, develop, and strive for consistent quality improvement throughout its entire offerings of corporate activities at every site in Israel and abroad. 

We invest great resources and efforts to maintain the highest standards and are committed to the safety and health of our employees, contractors, community and the environment. All of this, without compromising the quality of our products and services – ones that we have provided with professionalism and excellence for over 6 decades.  

Gadot ESG Suppliers’ Questionnaire

Supplier Code of Conduct

Sustainable Procurement Policy


Our Goal: Zero Incidents

SSHEQ is an inseparable part of the private aims and goals of every Gadot executive. According to the Company’s policy, the fields of environmentalism, health, safety and quality are integrated into the annual work plans, and planning in general. Our comprehensive approach towards taking responsibility as a leading international corporation is a top priority in all our projects. Gadot Group sets a goal of zero safety, health and environmental incidents. 

Gadot welcomes the ongoing financial assessments provided by the official authorities and main customers. We value this continuing process as it keeps Gadot at the top of it’s game, and ahead of the curve.

  • Gadot is certified by the following standards: Iso 9001:2015, ISO 14002: 2015, ISO 45001:2018
  • Gadot’s lab is certified by the Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority and the ISO 17025:2017 standard.
  • Gadot Germany / Belgium are certified by the following standards: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, as well as HACCP, AEO, SQAS and ISPS. 
  • Chemship B.V’s bulk ships stand with the following conditions and regulations:
  • The International Safety Management Code (ISM) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
  • The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) including annexes V, IV, II and VI
  • Chemiclor is certified by the ISO 9001:2008 standard

Our Services